Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Hello all,

My name is Bob. At the age of 63, I now realize that my younger years were hindered by two sad fears: 1. The fear of failure, and 2. Worrying about what others thought of me.

I have begun to "open up" some of my thoughts on Facebook. But, alas, I have come to believe that Facebook is not the place for the sharing of periodic, sometimes lengthy, writings of my concerns of today's world.

I will attempt to share not only my questions and concerns about life today, but I will also use this blog to rant about the many things in life that bother me - even when I know I'm wrong, but they bug me anyway. Add to this stories from the past and present, and this blog should be able to bring boredom to all kinds of literary tastes.

I don't know how this will work out, but please come along for the ride - we can learn a lot about each other

P.S. If you are looking for me to "share" pictures of kittens and puppies with cute sayings underneath, or tell you what I had for breakfast every morning, then you'd better go back to Facebook!